Thursday, February 12, 2009

That boy must love me

Well, a few months ago I went into a sort of blogging frenzy...with a whole 3 new posts. (quite the accomplishment.) And now I'm back to posting here and there every few months, something that I know can be a little annoying to everyone else. I've come to realize that it's not my fault (nothing ever is...obviously!) My reasoning being that I don't have all the necessary subjects of blogging: Cute children, a house project (or even a house in general), Cute children, "couple friends", and Cute children. Our life is void of all three genres...although I do have a cute husband (and lucky him, he has a cute wifey!)

So, I've decided instead of feeling awkward as I blog because 1)there is nothing terribly interesting about our lives and 2)I don't have the necessary subjects...I've decided to write about what I DO have: A lovely husband (most of the time anyways) a funny kitty, and the interesting thoughts that come to mind during the ridiculous amount of free time I have at work doing NOTHING. (Some days, I absolutely love my job...who else gets paid to daydream!)

So, with that introduction, (and at the risk of making this blog a shrine to my's a good thing he never reads this thing or else he'd be a little embarrassed) without further ado, I bring to you in honor of the upcoming Lover's Holiday:

Things I ADORE about my ADORING husband (The reason that "husband" is green is because the word "husband" should NEVER be the color pink. FYI)
Today I loved the spouse because he studies so much. He got up at 6:30 today to study just a little bit more for his Econ. test...which he aced!!! So proud :)
I also loved el husband-o because this morning, as all mornings, I woke up holding hands with him...Somehow during the night his hand always manages to find mine. (I know... you're all thinking "awwww"...That's okay...go ahead and think it)
I loved playing hookie with him today. Hookie is no fun without him.
Lastly, I love that when he's dead asleep, I can lay my head on his shoulder and he will always, always turn his head to kiss mine. Never fails. IN HIS SLEEP of all things. That boy must love me.
There's obviously more things I love about the lover, but those are just some reasons on my mind today. So there ya go.
What did you adore about your adoring husband today?


Todd*Jenny Lei*Savannah*Nate said...

I know how you feel. I posted for 2years before having the necessary subjects! It gave me a good excuse to take pics though. And a good reason to get the extra energy to do stuff out of the ordinary! Good luck!

Teagan said...

So cute!!

We have to keep these Condie Boys...they sure are keepers!!!

ps-I tagged you on my blog.
do it:) it will get you something to blog about:)

Welch Mom said...

I love that we always touch our feet together at night while we sleep. It is like they search out each other in the bed!