Saturday, February 28, 2009

I've been tagged

So, Teagan tagged me to blog about the sixth picture in the sixth file on my computer. This little gem is from our honeymoon (oooooo!) This is a picture of the patio on the night we got there (if you didn't know, we went to a little condo at a ski resort in Ogden.) That night it snowed like crazy! If you can't tell there was about 3 feet of snow, and most of it fell that night. We were pretty grateful we arrived before the storm hit. Plus being snowed-in was kinda cozy... being that it was our honeymoon and all. :) So there ya go.


Teagan said...

theres no picture...

try posting it again.

Yea! thanks for doing the tag!!!

Welch Mom said...

What a funny photo! It doesn't look like much, but the memories of it are what count the most. Love it!
We miss you and want to know how you are doing.