Thursday, August 21, 2008

Meet Iola!

Well, it's a little late, but I'm true to my word. Finally, here's some pictures of our kitty that I promised!

These two were on the first day that we got her. She came home and went right to sleep on my shoulder! She's so little!
These were the the third day we had her. We took her out to the park near our apartment. She had never felt grass before, and she definately didn't like the feel of it in her toes! She would run between me and Chris with her legs as far apart as she could and climb up on us to get off the grass. She would run to Chris and he would walk away, and she'd just run after him begging to be picked up. Pretty cute to see a guy being followed around by a tiny little kitten!

I don't know if you can see it very well, but when she was really little, her eyes were actually turquoise! Green in the middle, blue on the outside.

So there ya have it. That's Iola (pronounce eye-oh-la) She's bigger now, but not a lot and still just as fiesty! She's pretty fun :)


Welch Mom said...

We have one that looks just like that, that if you asked me I would have given to you! She drives us crazy now.

Robb said...

Yep, you could definitely had ours, though she is not as cute as a kitten anymore. Give me a call and I will help you set up your blog or web cam if you need.

Teagan said...

how cute!

you need to post about you new place... seeing that we didn't know you guys were moving... we thought you loved it in Rexburg.

keep us posted.